
Jenkins: print script executed by sh

Put inside the script.

  1. Print to trace
find /var/jenkins_home/jobs/My_Job/workspace@tmp/ \\
  -name 'script.sh' \\
  -exec cat '{}' \\;
  1. Or copy whole folder
cp -r /var/jenkins_home/jobs/My_Job/workspace@tmp/ ~/tmp

Put the correct root folder in the script


Character set conversion

Based on this

db1>SELECT value FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';


To return in the national character set of the database use UNISTR function:

db1>SELECT dump(UNISTR('\00E4'), 1016), UNISTR('\00E4') FROM DUAL;

DUMP(UNISTR('\00E4'),1016)               U
---------------------------------------- -
Typ=1 Len=2 CharacterSet=AL16UTF16: 0,e4 ä

To return in the database character set use TO_CHAR:


DUMP(TO_CHAR(UNISTR('\00E4')),1016)       T
----------------------------------------- -
Typ=1 Len=1 CharacterSet=WE8MSWIN1252: e4 ä

If characters are not shown correctly in SQL*Plus use chcp and NLS_LANG as explained here

db1>host chcp
Active code page: 1252

db1>host echo %NLS_LANG%


Jenkins: fire on change of specific file in specific branch in Bitbucket

Jenkins: fire on change of specific file in specific branch in Bitbucket

Perhaps different set of plugins can execute this task, but I’ve implemented with Generic Webhook trigger.

Final version is for Bitbucket’s Pull request merged webhook, but it also may be adopted to Repository push Webhook

In the Bitbucket webhook is configured that calls Jenkins.

In Jenkins build trigger is Generic Webhook Trigger.
Post content parameters

Variable Expression Comment
merge_commit_hash $.pullRequest.properties.mergeCommit.id For pull request merge
pull_request_branch $.pullRequest.toRef.id For pull request merge
commit_hash $.changes[0].toHash For repository push
push_branch $.changes[0].refId For repository push

Filter in Jenkins’ Generic Webhook Trigger to process only changes in specific branch:

Expression Text
refs/heads/dev $push_branch$pull_request_branch

Example of simple Execute shell step :


echo "Looking for $FILE_NAME in Commit $commit_hash $merge_commit_hash"
# list of changed files for a commit
#filelist=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $commit_hash)
#commit is merge commit - must use different tactics
filelist=$(git log -m -1 --name-only --pretty="format:" $merge_commit_hash)
if [[ $filelist == *"$FILE_NAME"* ]]; then
$ process file
	echo "Skip"