
Jenkins: print password

stage('Sandbox') {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'TestUser', passwordVariable: 'C_PASS', usernameVariable: 'C_USER')]) {
creds = "\nUser: ${C_USER}\nPassword: ${C_PASS}\n"
println creds


GIT: Run the changes from current branch

Run the difference between the current feature branch and target branch (configured to dev) to which the feature branches are merged in the current dev process.
The $file_list array is built with the files:

  • from merge commit if feature branch is already merged
  • from fork-point if the branch is not merged
    In my scenario all the files are run in SQL*PLUS, but $file_list variable can be used for any purpose
# Run changes made in current branch comparing to $traget_branch_name = dev branch in the database given in the first parameter
# If changes is already merged thus it merge-base --fork-point produce wrong results - the git log -m -1 --first-parent is used for merge commit to find difference
# If no merge commit present merge-base --fork-point is used to build the difference

$traget_branch_name = 'dev'
$repo = 'C:\code\myrepo'
cd $repo
$script = "connect $dbname"

$merge_commit = git log HEAD..$traget_branch_name --ancestry-path --merges --reverse --pretty=format:%h | Select-Object -First 1

if ( $merge_commit -eq $null )
    '...No subsequent merges...'
    $file_list = (git diff --name-only $(git merge-base --fork-point $traget_branch_name))
} else {
    "Merge commit found $merge_commit"
    $file_list = git log -m -1 --first-parent --name-only --pretty="format:" $merge_commit

#process file list in sql*plus
$file_list | 
    ForEach {
            $fullname = "@$repo$_"
            $script += "PROMPT Running $fullname`n"
            $script += "@$fullname`n"

$script += 'EXIT'

echo $script 

echo $script | sqlplus /nolog